Tuesday, June 12, 2012

More Coming Soon

Okay, so it's time for me to propose things that I'll try, and possibly not come through on. However, given the circumstances that have befallen me as of late, I think that I'm in a better spot to move on some of these ideas.

Alright, the first is the previously mentioned overhaul of my blog. I don't know if I will be moving it into another site, but it will be sectioned off into different things based on whatever I am writing about. There will be a visual element to this. And that leads to another thing:

Working with a friend of mine (you know who you are), I have put together some of the basic ideas behind a shmup which borrows ideas from the Metroid series, and even games like Mass Effect to make an interesting variation on the traditional scrolling shooter.

I've written the base of a script with which to review Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, which I consider an absolute blight on the series name. I will be reviewing this once I have access to some of the toys I'm going to bring up below.

Next, given the mention of toys, I am getting ready to record a couple of songs. I have two songs ready to record, and a few other things in mind. I might try to get an EP together, and maybe even sell it. This would include artwork and liner notes, prepared by the idiot whose blog you are currently scoffing at.

I would like to launch a blip video thing on the new site, and on that, I would feature the review, possibly a "making of" type thing for the EP, and whatever else came down the pipe, including a fake PSA that has been boiling in my brain for the past few weeks. Video game reviews are part of this consideration, but I don't have anything concrete in mind just yet.

Before the power supply to my net book bit the dust two weeks ago, I was gathering steam to continue work on The Alternative, and I think that it's going to be moving at a pretty decent rate once (again now) the new toys arrive. I would like to see it finished by the end of August, with work starting on book two by October. There are a couple of short stories that need to be finished as well, but I suck at composing short fiction in a decent time, so I make no promises.

Some that read this might remember a short lived video game podcast called Z-Trigger which I co-hosted. This idea is not dead to me, and some of my (yes I'm getting to it) toys will allow me to find a new form for this concept. I just hope everyone is still interested when I finally get to it. If you are reading this, go ahead and shout about how incompetent I am at the end of this post.

There is an idea floating in my mind about an e-mag genre literature journal. This idea is in embryo stage, and I'm not sure if it will make it anywhere. I would build this site, moderate, be the editor, and possibly even make collections out of the stuff I publish. This is very low on the list, given its ambition.

I'm trying to think if there is anything else coming up in the queue before moving onto the supplies that are going to make these projects more likely. There is a lot in my head, and I'm always adding to it, mostly because I'm completely mad. The way I see it is that if I have a lot of prospective projects to work on, I'm never bored when I sit down before a computer. Especially when it is...oh, you know, a Dell XPS laptop with eight gigs of ram, a terabyte hard drive, blu-ray, possibly even 3D, Photoshop CS6 Extended, a newer version of Premiere Elements 10, and the most up to date version of Dreamweaver.

Yes, all of these things are coming soon, and the trimmings just don't stop there. I am also looking into a Wacom tablet to make them all more possible. This is all part of a long winding path that might even lead into more school, but more importantly, a new set of experiences that will flesh out my creative portfolio. Having a working knowledge of Photoshop and Dreamweaver paired with a growing knowledge of HTML and CSS would do wonders for me. Now if only I can get those pesky weak art skills off the ground. But, regardless of the hideousness of my line work, I have ambition, and that is always number one in my book for having a great time.

There is a bit of time before all of these things can really kick off, but some of the basic tools are already in my hands. The new laptop, Dreamweaver, and especially the tablet, are still a bit of time off. I don't even know when the tablet will be confirmed, but given the nature of such a device and how it can be integrated into the all of the other tools, it's almost essential.

I don't know where I will begin exactly. Given how many different things I could do, and how they all tie into one big plan, I have options. Time is of the essence, and unfortunately there is never enough of it. I see the music option to be a viable one, given the nature of what I already have invested there, and, not to mention, how much easier it would be to put together a decent documentary about the process. Short, but, hopefully, interesting. These are all pieces, and the big picture is far too big for even me to see. Mostly because there is an idiot painting this portrait. And it's time for the idiot to stop typing.

Keep watching. Something is coming. Even if it is just bizarre and cool looking photoshop art.

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