Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I keep reading about Kickstarter, and hearing how everyone seems to be putting projects through this page and installing an audience through this lovely internet grassroots bit that everyone seems to fall in love with. I can't say that I don't support it. As a matter a fact, had I the money to pour into some of these projects, I would do it in a heartbeat, such as Michael Zulli's graphic novel The Fracture of the Universal Boy ( http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1151517311/michael-zulli-the-fracture-of-the-universal-boy ) .

Obviously, I'm going somewhere with this.

My team of artists are hard at work on getting our webcomic off the ground as I type this, and we're preparing some stuff as a preview to what we hope to accomplish with The Alternative. Also, there is a little mini-series that is currently rushing it's way towards production called Unabducted, which plays with the alien abduction story a bit, and I have loads left to do on it, but it's taking shape. If we can get ahead on the webcomic, it's going to come out this year, all three issues, and possibly a collection if there is interest in such a silly thing.

What I am sitting around thinking about is the possibility of doing a kickstarter fund for Unabducted, obtaining our fanbase for Alt through it's production and sales. Mind you, the sales would be absolutely moot considering if people donate money, I'm going to give them the bloody comic. I mean, I'm not some prick who wants people to pay me five bucks to see something happen, and then another four for a copy of it.

That said, here's the math, and why I think it's actually possible.

500 copies of the book, full color, will cost about 1600 dollars. Of course, there are fees, shipping costs, and other things such as the fact that I'm sure the artists would love to see a few bucks poured into their pockets. If I can raise $2000 through this website over the course of several months, I can line the artists pockets a bit, make the books, and have a name amongst...well...five hundred or so people.

If it's not yet obvious, I'm more interested in building a following. I want people to read this book, The Alternative, and help me find publication for the aforementioned sci-fantasy epic that I'm scribbling away at in several notebooks and on my computer. I'm trying to get started in this tiny little field known as comics, and make a name for myself as a writer.

Of course, all of this would be more likely if I spent more time scripting and writing prose than blogging and other stupid things. I would also have more time for all of it if I wasn't in school. Then comes the other end of the vicious cycle, work. If I didn't spend forty hours of my week at CVS, I could spend that same forty hours working my way through scripts and prose, all powered by my delicious muse, espresso.

Well, the only way to know if this is a good idea is to try it. Of course, I want to have something concrete before I go off trying something crazy like this...alright everyone, stay tuned.

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